Sunday, November 30, 2008

I cannot wait

I went shopping this weekend for the baby. I am so excited for him to get here. I just want to have him already because I am tired of being tired all the time. I cannot wait until the baby shower. I hope that I get a lot of things I need because I cannot afford the big things. HAHAHA. I found a lot of cute clothes up in Edenburg Outlet mall. They had some really good deals since it was the day after Thanksgiving. I hope they will still have some good sales after Christmas, since the baby is not due until February. Oh well if they don't. I am just ready to have this baby. I cannot wait to see who he looks like. I do have a 3D ultra sound on Tuesday. I heard that those are pretty cool. I just cannot wait

Monday, November 24, 2008

My experience

When I first came to IUS I was so nervous because I have heard about how some English classes were hard. Even though I did very well in high school English I did not know what to expect. From our first paper I think that I have progressed, maybe not as much as I hoped but I did in many ways. I really thought that since I did not know anybody I could be myself, but that all changed once I got to know everybody. Ms. Brown to me makes everybody feel comfortable. She is not like some teachers when you have something to say you feel stupid for saying it. You can express yourself (Wayne) in anyway you want. I really have enjoyed our class discussions because everybody gets involved and nobody feels or should feel out of place. The class activities with writing work shops or just activities in general helped everybody get to know each other not just by communicating but also through each others writings. I really enjoyed meeting and getting to know everybody and their point of views even if I did not agree with some of them. My writings have gotten stronger when I got the opinions of not just Ms. Brown but also from my other classmates. I like this class because it is not just reading assignments it is more writing and it helped me grow as a more sophisticated writer. Each writing assignment helped me prepare for the next one we were getting ready to do. Each person in the class never criticized any ones writing they just helped make them better by suggesting things that would make the paper better and also them as a writer. From the beginning of the year to now I think that everybody has became more comfortable with each and their writings. I used to be afraid to let another student read my writing because I thought that they would make fun of me or something but everybody in the class helped me out in same way or another. I hope that the next class that comes in will grow just as much as I did or more.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Arguement paper

In my research paper I learned many things about different contraceptives. I learned how they work, who uses them and the side effects of each particular one. In my proposal paper I am going to argue that women are not fully aware of the contraceptives and then propose that their needs to be more awareness through advertising and a big thing that could the awareness of contraceptives would be that the only contraceptive that we learn about in school besides abstinence, is condoms. And what I learnd from my research is only 88 percent effective. Pretty much everything I learned from my research will really help me with explaining that women should be more aware of each contraceptive and that their needs to be more information about each one. People think that just because a Doctor says one contraceptive is good, does not mean that it will be good for that person. Everybody is different and needs to know everything down to the last little detail of how and what the contraceptive does. And then ask themselves is it right for them. I have learned from experience that I should have been more aware about the contraceptive I was taking. I listen to the doctor, she said " This will help and it is very reliable." Well, that contraceptive caused me many troubles and did not prevent child birth, because I am 6 months pregnant. I thought that this research and proposal will not just show things about the contraceptives but show from experience that women should be more aware. I think that I did a pretty good job on citing and making it flow throughout my paper. However, I do want to overcome using vague language. That was pretty much the only problem I had. I hope that I can convince women that they need to be more aware and propose that their needs to be more done to help prevent all the wrong doings of contraceptives.

Friday, November 7, 2008


In class I am one of four who think that we should not legalize prostituion. I think that it is unacceptable for women to degrade themsleves and stoop so low that they have to seel their bodies for some change. God gave us the gift of respect. What kind of female uses that gift when they are selling their bodies. They do not even know the men. They are just out there trying to get some money to support their habits. I know some prostitutes have children they have to support but that is no excuse not to go out an get an actual job. It is degrading and sick. It is unacceptable. They need to probably crack down on prostitues and help them get off the strrets and make something of theirselves.